As if your humidity-fogged glasses hadn’t given it away, summer is here! 

With watermelon slices in hand it’s time we embrace the season of outdoor activities. There are endless benefits to spritzing yourself with SPF and enjoying the summer sun, and if you’re craving that summer feeling all year round this blog is for you! 

Just as this time of year brings more time outside, it’s important to connect oneself with nature year round. What is one way to accomplish this? 

🪴House plants! 

It’s no secret that the staple of the minimalistic aesthetic is a leafy green in a painted pot. 

So, what do these plants have to offer beyond their security in fame to be pictured with Joanna Gaines on the cover of HomeBody? 

Research shows there is a beneficial connection between having plants in your living spaces and your mental health. I heard this before, yet after learning more I felt validated in occasional succulents I couldn’t pass up at Trader Joe’s or the Farmer’s market. 

Just like at a job interview, what kinda benefits we talkin’? According to research done by the Washington Post and Psychology Today: reducing stress and symptoms of PTSD all whilst improving mood and memory! 

Now, just like a recipe that’s hidden under a life story, here is the part where you proverbially would have hit a button at the top that said “Take me to the plants.”

Each plant in the list includes its; name, ideal location, and a short bio written by yours truly. 

As a general rule of green thumb, the greener the plant the more cheerful the effect it can have! 

  • Snake Plant ~The entrance of your home~ You didn’t have to get “You’re a Slytherin House” as your buzz feed quiz result to rep some snake plants in your house. They reduces toxins that affect sleep wherein improving sleep, they are also nearly impossible to kill as they *prefer* dry soil. They are best at the entrance as they are unique and cleanse the air between entrance and exits of the home. 
  • Lavender Plant ~Nightstand~ Maybe you can’t swing a trip to the South of France this summer but that doesn’t have to stop you from having the magic healing powers of lavender in your home. Personally, I sleep with it in my diffuser and it is more effective than melatonin for me. This plant can serve a similar purpose helping you catch some much needed z’s.  
  • Aloe Vera ~Kitchen~ Just like Edward Cullen these plants are immortal! Nearly impossible to kill so they thrive in most lighting environments. As a former professional baker, there were plants right outside the restaurant I used to use in aide of the inevitable, occasional burn. 
  • English Ivy ~Anywhere with weak or indirect light~ Investing in one of these can yield you many. English Ivy are known for their ability to be easily propagated. 
  • Not a plant gal? Research suggests that Red roses have a calming effect. 

(Disclaimer: if you have pets always make sure the plants you purchase are not potentially toxic to them). 

As I pursue a life of health, I have seen how having living things such as plants in my living spaces brings life into my mental spaces. 

Gotta run for now, on my way to buy some plants! 👩‍🌾

If you do too, post + tag us so we can vicariously receive some of those benies!