Most of us ladies trying to make it doing our own thing are burning both ends of the candle. Working on weekends, making business connections every chance we get—side-hustling, as the youths say. When you’re the CEO, social media strategist, product designer, and customer service rep for your own gig, you learn to get things done with less. But not having the resources to work with a team (for now) can be draining, leading you to draw from an empty well when you’re in need of an idea to take your work to the next level. If you’re doing all the things and are in need of inspiration, here are few tips to help you get the job done.

Don’t Let Inspiration Pass You By

Inspiration is a whimsical friend. She drops in unexpectedly with (on good days) loads to share, and then is gone in a wink, without leaving the slightest clue of when she may return again. You need to be ready. Wherever and whenever those light bulb moments strike, write down every idea, big or small. In a meeting, in the shower, half asleep in bed—stop what you’re doing and write the ideas down. Keep a pocket journal, use an app for note-taking like XMind or Evernote, or record voice memos on your phone. Whatever works as long as it’s accessible. Not only will you store up a cache of content to work with, but you’ll also get in the habit of listening to your curiosities which often lead to the best ideas.

Good Things Come to Those Who Work

Work while you wait for inspiration to circle back around by regularly scheduling time just for brainstorming. You’ll keep those creative muscles in shape and demystify the brainstorming process, allowing you to hunt for ideas unhindered by the pressure to get that one perfect idea. Schedule two hours weekly, bi-weekly, or quarterly, depending on your availability, and spend the time researching and writing out goals, dreams, and potential opportunities. Day-to-day work can easily drown out time to expand your vision, and you never know when inspiration will pop by for its next visit. Be intentional to schedule space for your imagination to do its thing if you want to see your business grow.

Learn From Mentors In Your Field

If you want to be inspired, listen to the stories of women who went before you and who are walking beside you now. Progress, even when it’s not tangibly our own, expands what’s possible. Seeing someone else’s success may spark an idea for your own. Invest in opportunities that will allow you to hear the stories of field experts and businesswomen (and men) you admire. Conferences, workshops, podcasts (free for now—yay!), and books are great places to start.

Let the Feedback Be Your Guide

Feedback is a diamond in the rough. Because despite the mood kill that sometimes comes with it, it forces you to problem-solve and come up with new ideas to improve your product or service. Your clients are your best resource for ~constructive~ criticism. They may even offer it uninvited (Lucky you!). Beat them to the punch and get a pulse on your blind spots by inviting customers and clients to give feedback through a survey. Take a looksy at your competition’s feedback online as well and see how you can implement changes that will set you apart.

Phone A Friend

A gentle reminder that even though you’re a boss lady who can do it all, it’s okay to ask for support. If you’re in a rut or would just enjoy the feeling of working with a team every now and then, reach out to a couple friends that you trust and ask if they’d be willing brainstorm or give input from time to time. You may be a one-woman show, but there are probably a few people in your corner who would love to be the walls you bounce your ideas off of.